Not only do we get to report that we raised $510 last night at Blue Bear Tavern with Camp Sojourner but we also exceeded our 2011 goal by raising over $5K for the year!!!! We loved seeing so many new faces and spending the evening in such a fun new bar (and even learning a new camp song...haha).
In the spirit of the holidays we want to thank not only those who attended last night for their generous support but everyone who has been a part of events along the way. It's been very fun and so rewarding to see this little idea of "Drink Up, Give Back" take root over the past 8 months!
We'll be back soon with details about January's event scheduled for Tuesday, January 3rd (make us your first social engagement of 2012!)
Welcome to Socially Conscious Philadelphia (SCP). Let’s be honest, everyone is busy these days and economically times are tough. We’re all looking for the most efficient way to spend our time and our dollars. So, why not use the time you spend socializing with friends to support local businesses and charities? SCP holds a monthly (first Tuesday of each month) Happy Hour at a select bar in the city. Proceeds from the Happy Hour support that month’s charity. “Drink Up, Give Back!"