Thanks to those who made the trek to University City for happy hour last night! We are happy to report we were able to raise $305 for the Philadelphia Veterans Multi-Service & Education Center (PVMSEC)! This will help them feed at least 90 Veterans in need (gotta love that number). Thanks also to City Tap House for providing free drinks and some very tasty snacks (be sure to hit up the flat breads next time you're there).
Mark your calendars for the first Tuesday in December (6th) when we join in on the holiday festivities and raise our spirits (get it??) to Camp Sojourner. We'll have more information on the location soon.
Welcome to Socially Conscious Philadelphia (SCP). Let’s be honest, everyone is busy these days and economically times are tough. We’re all looking for the most efficient way to spend our time and our dollars. So, why not use the time you spend socializing with friends to support local businesses and charities? SCP holds a monthly (first Tuesday of each month) Happy Hour at a select bar in the city. Proceeds from the Happy Hour support that month’s charity. “Drink Up, Give Back!"