Tuesday, February 1, 2011


We want to keep our favorite Philly bars and restaurants full! If you are a venue that is interested in benefiting from hosting an SCP event, please drop a note to scphila@gmail.com.

Venues need to be able to host a minimum of 50 people and be willing to provide each participant with one free drink and food specials. 

Our Awesome Venues to Date:

Tavern on Broad (May 2011)

Misconduct Tavern (April 2011)


If you are interested in being considered as a beneficiary for an upcoming SCP event, please drop us a line at scphila@gmail.com.  Please provide us with some basic information about what your organization does.

*Note - SCP has a full slate of charities for 2012!  We will continue to take requests and hold them for 2013.
While we appreciate all charitable causes have value, we want to remind folks SCP focuses on charities local to Philadelphia.  

Testimonials from some of our charities:
Back on My Feet (May 2012)
Thank you again for all of your efforts on behalf of Back on My Feet | Philadelphia!  We had such a great time and have had great feedback from those who attended.  Working with you both was an absolute pleasure and I’d welcome the opportunity to do so again.  When we first discussed this endeavor last fall, I never anticipated that we’d raise as much money as we did ($1250!!) in a matter of two hours time AND that it would require so little staff time and effort.  What a huge success!!

Cradles to Crayons (September 2011)
Thank you so much to Socially Conscious Philadelphia for including us in their September Happy Hour! Kristin made the whole process so simple and non-time consuming, which for a non-profit is invaluable. The $750 that we were able to raise at the Happy Hour will help provide everyday essentials (clothes, shoes, books, toys, and school supplies) to 30 low-income or homeless children in Greater Philadelphia to help get them ready for school this fall. We are very grateful to have been included in Socially Conscious Philadelphia’s event…”

Philabundance (May 2011)
"Philabundance was thrilled to be a beneficiary of a Socially Conscious Philly happy hour event. The concept of the event was simple, the happy hour generated awareness of Philabundance’s mission to a new audience and it brought together a group of people who want to help their communities."

The Career Wardrobe (April 2011)
“Socially Conscious Philadelphia was a great way for our organization to raise fast cash, have a great time and network with new supporters. And our organization didn’t have to do a thing besides show up!”


We want you to get involved with SCP!  Here are some great opportunities. 

Attend Events
The easiest way to get involved is to show up!  It doesn't get much better than sippin' on a cocktail for a good cause.

Spread the Word
People are more likely to attend if they know someone who is coming, simple as that.  So, help us grow a real "social network" and bring your friends to events.  Join our mailing list, check the website and follow us on Facebook to stay up to date!

Become a Host
Are you passionate about a particular charity?  Do you love a local venue?  Are you already spreading the word to friends about SCP?  Consider being a Host.  Hosts are folks we ask to rise to the challenge of bringing at least 10 people out to an event. (You can also team up with some friends and Host as a group!)  We then ask you to ask those 10 people to each bring a friend.  If we're lucky that's 20 extra attendees (and $200!) based on your awesome work. We'll even give you a mention on the website and our Facebook page to make you super legit.  

Join the Leadership Team
We'd like to add a couple more people to the Leadership Team.  While its super rewarding work, it can be a bit time consuming to establish a major organization in Philadelphia...phew!  We know we can do an even better job for our partner charities, venues and participants if we have a little more manpower behind us.  We are most in need of people with a love of web design and PR connections but are happy to talk more with anyone who has the passion to do more at this level.  The commitment is higher but so is the street cred!  

For more information about any of these opportunities email scphila@gmail.com